Is there parking on the property?

We do not provide this service at the Hotel but there are several currency exchange locations nearby, which is about a 5 – 10 minute walk. Our front desk will gladly tell you how to get to one.

Is there money exchange?

We do not provide this service at the Hotel but there are several currency exchange locations nearby, which is about a 5 – 10 minute walk. Our front desk will gladly tell you how to get to one.

Are you pet friendly?

Sadly, our rooms are not pet friendly. But our restaurant is pet friendly.

Is there early check-in or late check-out available?

Our check-in is at 3:00 pm, but if you would like to arrive earlier you can let us know when you book your reservation or by contacting our front desk. The same with our check-out, it is normally at 12:00pm but you can request to leave your room later. There is always someone that can give you access. These two options are available at an extra cost depending on the time you want to arrive or leave. Our front desk will gladly let you know the prices, depending on your unique situation.

Is breakfast included?

Yes of course! Our reservation includes a continental breakfast. Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. If you need breakfast before this time please let our front desk know.

Can we add an extra bed or baby crib in our room?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, neither is adding a baby crib. There is no room to put it, but we do have a double room where there can be up to 4 guests.

Does the Hotel have any amenities?

Unfortunately, as we are a hotel boutique in a 100 year old house we only have on property the restaurant and a terrace.

What other services can I get in the Hotel?

Our Front Desk will gladly help you in anything you need. Some of the services that we can get for you are the COVID-19 test that comes to the hotel, reservations done with time in advance. We also have Massages, manicure and pedicure services done in your room. And a couple of private tours, so you can get to know Mexico even better.

Do you have airport transportation available?

We can gladly arrange a pick-up or drop-off to the Airport, it has an extra cost, depending on the number of guests.

What is the restaurant's schedule?

Our restaurant Eliseoh is open to all public. Sunday to Tuesday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday to Saturday from 7:30 am to 10:00 pm.

Is the area of the Hotel safe?

Of Course, we are located in Polanco, which is known to be one of the safest areas in Mexico City.

How many rooms are there and what type?

We currently have 15 rooms you can enjoy, that can be Standard, Delux or Master Suites.

Which method of transportation do you recommend?

If you are going to be near by in Polanco we recommend you enjoy a very nice walk. But if you plan to go further away we have private divers 24/7 available. You can just let the Front Desk know where you need to go.

Do you rent your Hotel for events?

Unfortunately we don’t count with this type of service.

Can you smoke at the Hotel?

You can not smoke inside the bedrooms, but we do have designated areas where you can.

Do you sell Orchids?

Yes, we love orchids! Besides being a Hotel Boutique we are dedicated to the care and maintenance of Orchids. You can visit us and get to know our Orchids and take one of them home with you.

Is there room service?

Of course, you can just contact the front desk via whatsapp and tell them what you would like to be brought up to your room.

How can I make changes to my reservation?

Just contact the front desk and they will make any changes you need.Our whatsapp is: +52 1 (55) 5183 2798Our phone number: +52 1 (55) 8661 9339Our email: email protected

Can I cancel my reservation?

Yes you may cancel 24 hrs before your arrival without change. If you cancel within less than 24 hrs, you will be charged the first night.

I have not received a confirmation email for my reservation, what should I do?

If you did not receive a confirmation email as soon as you booked the room, please contact us.Our whatsapp is: +52 1 (55) 5183 2798Our phone number: +52 1 (55) 8661 9339Our email: email protected

Are you able to hold our luggage?

We are happy to store your luggage either on arrival in the morning if your room is not available to check into, or upon departure. The Reception Desk can do this for you.

Does the hotel have handicapped accessible rooms?

Unfortunately we do not have the infrastructure to satisfy their needs.

Does your restaurant have vegan options?

Yes, you can send us an email or whatsapp and we will gladly assist you.Our whatsapp is: +52 1 (55) 5183 2798Our email: email protected

What kind of electric current is used in the hotel?

As in most of Mexico the electric current used in the hotel is 110 V, we recommend to our guests that use another type of electric current (220 V) to approach reception and ask for a power adapter. The hotel has electricity 24 hours a day.

What are the most common forms of payment in Orchid House Baja, La Paz?

The hotel accepts all kinds of credit cards, but several places in the area do not accept credit cards, therefore we recommend that our guests bring cash or use the nearby ATMs, in places where they accept credit cards, it is very likely that make you an small charge for administrative use for pay by credit card.

Are ATMs near the hotel?

In the proximities of the hotel are located several ATMs, these can give either US dollars or Mexican pesos, however we recommend to all our guests to use ATMs belonging to banks as they charge more affordable commissions.

Are there mosquitoes in the hotel? What season are there mosquitoes?

The hotel is located in the hotel zone of Orchid House Baja, La Paz, which is also surrounded by extensive vegetation so you can see mosquitoes and other kinds of insects, we recommend to our guests to get repellents which can avoid the sting of these, The rainy season is the season that most can feel the presence of mosquitoes in the area.

When does the hurricane season begin?

The Hurricane Season begins in August and ends in November, at this time Orchid House Baja, La Paz as well as several parts of Mexico suffer various climatic effects and may suffer arrivals of hurricanes and / or tropical storms

Orchid House Baja, La Paz has a different time zone from the rest of the country?

Orchid House Baja, La Paz as all Quintana Roo state has one and only time zone unlike the rest of the country, this time zone star from October 30th till April, in this season Orchid House Baja, La Paz has different time zone from the center of Mexico, the rest of the year Orchid House Baja, La Paz and the center of Mexico have the same time zone.

In case of any emergency and i have to cancel mi trip, what i have to do?

In case of any emergency we recommend to get in touch with us and we can suggest how to proceed. We also recommend all our guests hire a travel insurance that has a coverage extension and covers in case of: flight cancellations, cancellation in case of hurricanes and accidents.

What is the best way to move around Orchid House Baja, La Paz?

In Orchid House Baja, La Paz there are several methods of transportation and ways to explore the surrounding areas, bicycle, taxi and if you like you can rent a car. You can take a taxi easily outside of the hotel or if you like you can call the reception and a taxi will be waiting at the front of the hotel, we recommend to our guest ask about the cost of the trip before take the taxi and avoid misunderstandings. The hotel doesn’t have bicycle for rent but next to us there is several places you can easily find them.