Is there parking on the property?

We don’t have parking at the hotel but we have near parking lots: “Park inc” Hidalgo 52, Zona Centro “Estacionamiento Insurgentes” Insurgentes 29, Zona Centro.

Is there money exchange?

We don’t provide this service at the house but there are several currency exchanges locations nearby for example: “Divisas Banregio” Insurgentes 22, Zona Centro.

Are you pet friendly?

Sadly, our rooms are not pet friendly.

Is there early check-in or late check-out available?

The guests have to let us know the hour of arrival, to check them in. The latest time to check in is 8:00 pm. These two options are available at an extra cost depending on the time you want to arrive or leave. Our front desk will gladly let you know the prices, depending on your unique situation.privacy notice 5) Is breakfast included?Yes of course, our reservation includes (Fruit and granola, coffee, sweet bread and scrambled eggs.) From 9:00 am to 11:30 am If you need breakfast before this time please let our front desk know.

Can we add an extra bed or baby crib in our room?

We can add a baby crib in some rooms, but you have to notify us in advance.

Does the Hotel have any amenities?

As we are a house, we only have on property a terrace, a garden and bottles of water in the rooms.

What other services can I get in the Hotel?

You can request to pre-stock the House with some food and drinks, also you have to request this before check in and has an extra cost.

Do you have airport transportation available?

San Miguel doesn’t have airport

What is the restaurant's schedule?

We don’t have restaurant

Is the area of the Hotel safe?

Of course, we are located in city center so is very safe.

How many rooms are there and what type?

We have 5 rooms, the description of each room you’ll find it at the web

Which method of transportation do you recommend?

If you are going near by the city center we recommend you enjoy a very nice walk. But if you plan to go further away you can ask for a taxi at the streets or use you own car.

Do you rent your Hotel for events?

Yes we rent the House for private events with an extra cost. The maximum number of people is 40.

Can you smoke at the Hotel?

You cannot smoke inside the bedrooms just outside on the terrace.

Do you sell Orchids?

No, unfortunately not at the moment.

Is there room service?

No, we are a private house so there is no room service.

How can I make changes to my reservation?

Just contact our WhatsApp: +52 1 (55) 5183 2798 or +52 1 (55) 2095 1202. You can also write us our email: email protected

Can I cancel my reservation?ç

Yes you may. You can read all the info at _Cancelation Policy_

I have not received a confirmation email for my reservation, what should I do?

If you did not receive a confirmation email as soon as you booked the room, please contact us.Our whatsapp is: +52 1 (55) 5183 2798.Our phone number: +52 1 (55) 8661 9339Our email: email protected

Are you able to hold our luggage?

We are happy to receive your luggage at the check in but at check out you should pick your luggage.

Does the hotel have handicapped accessible rooms?

Unfortunately we don’t have the infrastructure to satisfy their needs.

Does your restaurant have vegan options?

No, we don’t because we don’t have a restaurant, but you can find lots of restaurants with vegan options at San Miguel de Allende